Why subscribe?

Hi, I’m Anna-Lena König, I’m a product manager living in Zürich, Switzerland.

Each post here is about ONE topic. Each post is rather SHORT. My goal is to provide value with every single post.

No boring list of random reading recommendations, but one focus for every post/Mail.

This is about people, product, and progress.

  • About people management, mental health, leadership, work relationships, psychological safety, emotions and collaboration.

  • About product management methods, user experience, technology, strategy, discovery and decision-making.

  • About making progress as a team, productivity, focus and flow, imperfection, personal growth and continuous learning.

And some personal snippets from my life, because I think that connecting to the human behind the screen makes it more interesting.

This is an experiment! If you like experiments, please follow along and subscribe!

You can also find me here:

  • LinkedIn - my online CV… and posts about product management etc

  • Twitter - I wrote more than 20k tweets 😬

  • Mastodon - you know, in case because Twitter gets worse

  • Medium - blogging in English there

  • Lesetagebu.ch - tracking and rating the books I read

  • www.blogbleistift.de - my personal blog in German, which I started in 2008

Subscribe to People, Product, Progress

Short and helpful posts about product management, the human side of work (leadership, emotions, mental health), and getting stuff done


a product manager and business analyst who likes to visualize things to create clarity. Zürich, Switzerland